Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh instore atmosphere, outstore atmosphere dan lokasi toko berpengaruh positif terhadap minat beli di rumah makan dim sum choie di Surabaya. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pelanggan yang membeli makanan dim sum pada rumah makan tersebut dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan accidental sampling dan responden yang ditetapkan sebanyak 100 orang.
Adapun teknik analisa data menggunakan regresi linier berganda yang tujuannya untuk mengetahui bentuk hubungan menyeluruh tentang hubungan antara variabel bebas yang terdiri dari instore atmosphere, outstore atmosphere, dan lokasi toko terhadap minat beli.
Hasil pengujian menunjukkan variabel instore atmosphere, outstore atmosphere dan lokasi toko layak dijadikan model penelitian. Hasil ini didukung dengan perolehan korelasi berganda sebesar 80,5% yang menunjukkan bahwa korelasi atau hubungan antara variabel tersebut terhadap minat beli konsumen di rumah makan dim sum Choie Surabaya memiliki hubungan yang erat. Hasil pengujian selanjuntya menunjukkan dari 3 variabel yang dijadikan model penelitian yaitu instore atmosphere, outstore atmosphere dan lokasi toko masing-masing menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan terhadap minat beli konsumen di rumah makan dim sum Choie Surabaya. Hal tersebut dapat diindikasikan dengan tingkat signifikansi masing-masing variabel tersebut tidak melebihi a = 5%.
Kata Kunci : Instore Atmosphere, Outstore Atmosphere, Lokasi Toko, Minat beli
The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of in-store atmosphere, out-store atmosphere and store location have positive influence to the purchasing interest at Choie dim sum restaurant Surabaya. The population in this research is the customers who purchase dim sum in this restaurant and the sample collection technique has been done by using accidental sampling and 100 people have been selected respondents.
The multiple linear regressions is used as the data analysis technique in order to find out the form of comprehensive relationship about the relation between independent variables which consist of in-store atmosphere, out-store atmosphere and store location to the purchasing interest.
The result of the test shows that in store atmosphere, out store atmosphere and store location variables are feasible to be used as the research model. This result is supported by the acquisition of multiple correlation that is 80.5% that shows the correlation among those variables to the customers’ purchasing interest at Choie dim sum restaurant Surabaya is strong. The following test shows that from three variables that have been selected as the research model i.e.: in store atmosphere, out store atmosphere and store location partially have significant influence to the customers’ purchase interest at Choie dim sum restaurant Surabaya. It can be indicated that the significant levels of each variable is not more than a = 5%.
Keywords: In-store Atmosphere, Out-store Atmosphere, Store Location, Purchasing Interest.
1S150164 | M15/164 Tif p c.1 | Perpustakaan Pusat - Lantai 2 | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - Tandon/Tidak dipinjamkan |
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